Cast of VRPG


Dwieduck Cast:

Praxis Lupine aka Ford_Rivers:

A freshmen Art Student at Dwieduck University who rooms with his best friend from back home Fox Roswell. He’s an idealistic dreamer who often takes on more than he can handle. In his spare time when he’s not reading or drawing Prax is very into RPGs, either playing them, running them or making them. His greatest desire thus far is to become a Host and run his own VRPG.

Fox Roswell aka The_Real_Fox:

A freshmen Comp Sci Student at Dwieduck University who rooms with his best friend from back home Prax. Fox is an avid gamer with little self control when it comes to buying new ‘neat’ stuff. Luckily Prax is usually around to restrain his enthusiasm when they both get interested in something at the same time though things get . . . interesting. Fox is often Prax’s side kick/guinea pig when it comes to testing out his ideas.

Seraphim Xa Lupine aka Seraxa and Peigun_Fury:

A freshmen Journalism Student at Dwieduck University, Seraxa is also Prax’s twin sister. The younger, more outgoing and generally more outspoken of the twins, she is usually the one to pull Prax out of the fire when things get too hot.  In her spare time when not involved in any athletics activities or writing Seraxa also enjoys playing or running RPGs. Generally Prax and Seraxa do not play together, sibling rivalry becoming intense.

Orige Manuel aka Void:

A Comp Sci Student at Dwieduck University, Orige works for Student Housing and generally makes life difficult for anyone who gets on his bad side, which is generally everyone. When not being a pessimist in the real world Orige can be found being one online. Orige used to be an avid roleplayer but repeated bad experiences with munchkin, power players and bad GMs have left him scarred and bitter.

Black Out aka Black Out:

A Comp Sci Student at Dwieduck University who disliked his real name to such an extent he had it legally changed to Black Out. Extremely intelligent and unfortunately he knows it. Black out is in charge of V-Net service for the dorms. This makes him part of the evil known as Tech Support. While he is more than willing to help people, generally its more help than they want. In his spare time Black Out also cruises the V-Net causing havoc.

Dr. Chuckles:


Dr. Chuckles is a hamster, she belongs to Prax and Seraxa. She enjoys watching TV, Video Games and running around in her plastic ball which she has fairly good control of. While more intelligent than other rodents of her species (she responds to her name and can follow simple directions.) contrary to popular belief she cannot talk, plot world domination or use a word processor.